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Can Somatic Therapy Be Done Online? Exploring the Benefits and Accessibility of Virtual Somatic Therapy
somatic therapy, somatic experiencing Jessica Conway somatic therapy, somatic experiencing Jessica Conway

Can Somatic Therapy Be Done Online? Exploring the Benefits and Accessibility of Virtual Somatic Therapy

Can Somatic Experiencing Be Done Online? Exploring the Benefits and Accessibility of Virtual Somatic Therapy

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-focused therapy that helps individuals process and release trauma by bringing attention to physical sensations and the body’s natural healing processes. Traditionally, SE is done in person, with the therapist guiding the client through gentle awareness of their bodily responses to trauma. But as the world increasingly moves online, you may wonder: Can Somatic Experiencing be done virtually? And, more importantly, Does it still work?

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How Somatic Therapy Can Help Heal Trauma: A Personal Journey
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

How Somatic Therapy Can Help Heal Trauma: A Personal Journey

Trauma doesn’t just live in the mind—it lives in the body. Every sensation, every tight muscle, every flutter of the stomach, and every aching joint can be a doorway into the story your body has been holding for you. Somatic therapy is a way of helping you hear that story, understand it, and ultimately, heal from it.

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What is Hakomi Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

What is Hakomi Therapy? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Hakomi is a word that, in its original form, means “how do you stand in relation to these many worlds?” A question that gets right to the heart of it. It’s a simple question, but one that can open a door into your inner world—a world that holds the answers to who you are, how you feel, and why you move through the world the way you do.

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Awaken the Wild Woman Within: Embody Your Deepest Self and Wise Inner Knowing
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

Awaken the Wild Woman Within: Embody Your Deepest Self and Wise Inner Knowing

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many women feel disconnected from their truest essence, their deepest knowing, and their innate sense of power. Society, family expectations, and even personal doubts can cloud the path to self-discovery. Yet, there’s an ancient archetype that calls to us from within: the Wild Woman, a wise, untamed force that connects us to our authentic, embodied self.

When we embark on a somatic journey—through practices like Hakomi and somatic therapy—we begin to awaken to this inner wildness. We reclaim our relationship with our Deepest Self and Wise Inner Knowing, stepping into a fullness of being that transcends the limiting beliefs, the doubts, and the noise of the external world. In doing so, we experience a profound sense of wholeness, and from this place of alignment, our fullest expression begins to radiate through every aspect of our lives.

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How Is Somatic Therapy Different Than Traditional Therapy?
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

How Is Somatic Therapy Different Than Traditional Therapy?

In a world that often prioritizes the mind over the body, Somatic Coaching offers a transformative alternative—one that honors the body as a gateway to the psyche and a home for your deepest self. Our approach to Somatic Coaching is unique because it combines several powerful modalities, including Hakomi Mindful Somatic Coaching, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, nature-based therapy, and ancient wisdom practices. But the real magic lies in our unwavering commitment to compassionate presence and respect for the body’s wisdom.

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Braving the Wilderness - A Somatic Journey
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

Braving the Wilderness - A Somatic Journey

When one embarks on this somatic journey, they are gifted with an embodied relationship to their Deepest Self and Wise Inner Knowing. From this place of innate wholeness, your fullest expression comes through in all you do.

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What is Somatic Experiencing?
Jessica Conway Jessica Conway

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing (SE™) is a body-based approach to healing trauma, stress, and shock stored in the nervous system. Trauma isn't just about the event, but how it affects the body, often keeping us stuck in fight, flight, or freeze responses. SE helps release these stuck patterns, allowing the body to recover and build resilience.

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